I apologize for not composing a bulletin last week but I was busy with all things Tastes & Tunes. I'd like to thank everyone who participated in Tastes & Tunes this year, from the committee for organizing the event, to the volunteers that worked the event and every Rotarian that sponsored, purchased tickets, and donated raffle items, lottery tickets & wine. Together we hosted an amazing, impactful event. As soon as we get the final numbers, which I hope to have before Thanksgiving, I will share with you all.
On Wednesday the 25th, we had BAVTS senior Kaylee Dougherty, who also attends Freedom High School. Kaylee is with the Culinary Program at BAVTS, is President of SkillsUSA at BAVTS and is in the bell choir at Freedom. Kaylee has always wanted to be a chef. She hopes to attend the Culinary Institute of America and participate in the study abroad program.
Our guest speaker was Erin Zebertavage, Manager of the South Side Arts District and Bethlehem native. Erin spoke about the Levitt Pavilion, one of only 7 Levitt venues in the country. The non-profit was formed in 2015 and made up of 4 volunteer based committees that focus on organization, promotion, design and economic vitality. Our very own Lisa Jordan is the Chair of the Organization Committee.
Some of the fun things to see and do are the Urban Arts Trail, the Hope in Flight stairs, ChiliFest, 1st Fridays, the Christmas tree lighting, the Naughty and Nice Cocktail Trail to name just a few. You can check out more of what they do and offer at www.southsideartsdistrict.com and follow or like on Instagram or Facebook.
Please check your email for a message from me about next year’s Tastes & Tunes….we are “Going to the Races” in 2024 on October 13 at DeSales University. Planning has begun and I want YOU to be a part of it. I am asking every Rotarian to think about who you think would be an amazing partner and beneficiary for next year’s event. Please email the committee at bethlehemnatr@gmail.com We have lots of fun things planned are looking for more committee members to make Tastes & Tunes Goes to the Races the BEST one yet! .
NEXT WEEK our meeting is an evening network gathering at the Adagio seafood restaurant. We begin at 5:30. There's no speaker, just a great chance to enjoy one of the great values of being in this club - the company of each other.
Please see the website home page for details about the Thanksgiving luncheon and request to RSVP to me that you plan to atte4nd.