We had a wonderful and informative meeting this past week. Rocco Damato, President of the Bethlehem Rotary Foundation, and Mark Reed, Treasurer of the Bethlehem Rotary Foundation, presented an annual report consisting of the history of the Foundation, how the Foundation works, how Rotarians are able to maximize their donations and the financial impact our Club and Foundation has had on the local community. Our Foundation has supported our community with nearly $73,000 in grants in 2024! This is amazing and we should all be very proud of this!
I would like to wish the following Rotarians a very happy birthday!
David Shaffer
Pete Mickolay
Lisa Jordan
Mike McGovern
Chad Paul
Bill Royer
Buck Jones
As a reminder we are not having a meeting this Wednesday December 18. We will be having our annual holiday luncheon at the Hotel Bethlehem on Thursday December 19. Charlene Donchez and Hank Barnette will be speaking out Bethlehem's designation as a World Heritage site. We will not have a Zoom option for this meeting. Unfortunately, this meeting required an RSVP, and that is now closed.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday January 8, 2025!