This past week Rotarian Dale Kochard spoke about Camp Neidig and the positive, lifelong impact it has on many young leaders in our communities. There is a Neidig Night Chicken BBQ on Monday evening June 17 at 6pm that is open for Rotarians to attend and see the impact this leadership camp has on the students.
This past weekend our club had a clean up party at Centennial Park. There was much to be done, but in the Rotary spirit we banded together and left the park looking amazing! THANK YOU to all the Rotarians that came out and helped to make the park beautiful again. Past President Pete sent a great sent of photos to webmaster Al who has put them together in a photo album on the website. You can click this LINK to view that photo album or visit the website and then browse down the right side of the web page to find the photo albums.
This week our meeting will be at 5:30 at Adagio. I hope to see you there!