On December 24, 2020 (Christmas Eve) the $130,457 for this Global Grant was electronically deposited in the bank account established by the Rotary Club of La Antigua, Guatemala.  Despite many Corona virus-related restrictions upon this effort, Rotarians persevered and the funding goal was achieved.  When completed, this project will benefit 290 families (approximately 1,827 residents) by funding the cost of materials to construct a complete water system with spigots at every household, 290 gray water filters and 153 vented improved pit latrines for the families without these facilities.  The men and women in Agua Calient will supply ALL labor to construct the project. Construction has begun - supervised by an NGO Cooperating Partner, ABPD, and members of the Host Rotary Club of La Antigua, GUA.
Oscar Santos Simon Roquel 
“I am the president of Agua Caliente COCODE. Almost 300 families don’t have access to enough water in the community. We build our water system more than 30 years ago and it was designed for less than 200 families. Thanks to the support from ABPD (NGO Cooperating Partner) and The Rotary Foundation our dream of having water is becoming true.”